What We Do


Our company is experienced in the design of electrical power networks for outdoor environments throughout NSW, ACT, SA, QLD & VIC.

From three physical business locations, we are well versed in designing for the network and the culture of Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy, Ausgrid, SA Power Networks, Ergon Energy and Vic Power.

For these distributors we are fully accredited with the Office of Energy and Climate Change. Our Accredited Level 3 Service Provider (ASP3) number 5916 and Ausgrid specific (AUP) 5916-1.

Our design activity is in accordance with the network standards of these six electricity distributors and also that of NBN, Telstra & local council development control plans (DCPs).

Where applicable our projects also comply with AS3000 Wiring Rules and Service and Installation Rules NSW.

We also design the lighting of public and private spaces and distributor supply to EV Charging stations.

The resulting plans are practical and cost effective to construct.

Categories of our design work include:

  • Substation (Pole and Pad mounted) supply to residential (urban & rural, single, and multistage subdivisions), commercial and industrial (including mining) developments.
  • Road lighting (AS/NZS 1158 P and V category), Car Park and Sporting field lighting.
  • State Government and LGA consulting (including powerline redesign for road upgrades & remote community support).
  • EV Charging Stations / Network Distributor integration.

Principles of Our Work

  • Our clients are treated with courtesy and respect.

  • We ensure that we have an accurate understanding of project specifics.

  • Our design activity is in accordance with Australian Distributor Network standards.

  • Our plans are both practical and cost effective to construct.


Underground Electrical Reticulation (including Pad Mounted Substations)
Overhead Power Lines (including Pole Substations)
Road Lighting
EV Charging Stations


Andrew Wall

Director, Electrical Engineer

As the principal designer and director of our company, Andrew has had over twenty five years experience as a designer of electrical power networks for outdoor environments throughout NSW, ACT, SA, QLD & VIC.

Born and raised in Sydney, he studied Electrical Engineering at University of Technology (UTS) under a scholarship with NSW City Rail, later using his knowledge and skills in support of a wide range of metropolitan and regional clients.

Work and pleasure have seen Andrew travel extensively around the country where he has developed lasting and enduring relationships with his valued client base.

Not just an engineer, Andrew was a keen Sydney NRL competitor, and now enjoys less intense pursuits such as bushwalking, fishing, surfing and many other outdoor sports with his family.

tel. 0435 517 560

Network Distributors


Endeavour Energy




Essential Energy


SA Power Networks


Ergon Energy





Do you have a project for us?

How we can help?
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